Topics: AI & Bots, Human-Machine Collaboration, Online Communities, Platform Governance, Collective Intelligence
Methods: Machine Learning, Econometrics, Natural Language Processing, Social Networks Analysis, Deep Learning, Agent-Based Simulation
Published Journal Papers
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Yan, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2023). Stigmergy in Open Collaboration: An Empirical Investigation Based on Wikipedia. Journal of Management Information Systems. [FT50]
Zheng, L. N., Albano, C. M., Vora, N. M., Mai, F., & Nickerson, J. V. (2019). The Roles Bots Play in Wikipedia. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(CSCW), 1-20. Best Paper Honorable Mention Award [Impact Score: 4.57] [Data & Code]
Papers Under Revision or Review
Yan, B., Sun, J., Zheng, L. N., & Ren, R. (2022). Bots as Social Actors: How Bots Shape Social Processes Among Human Users in Peer Production. Reject and resubmit at Management Science. [FT50]
Working Papers
Chen, Z., Zheng, L. N., Mai, F. (2023). Making Sense of Bot Moderation in Online Communities with Large Language Models. To be presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Yan, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2023). Incorporating Learning Machines into Online Community Governance: Evidence from Wikipedia’s Anti-Vandal Bots.
Presented at MIS Quarterly Author Development Workshop and WITS.
Under preparation for MIS Quarterly
Ye, M., Zheng, L., Chen, Z., Zhu, D., Mai, F. (2023). ChatGPT Informed Graph Neural Network for Stock Movement Prediction.
Under preparation for Decision Support Systems.
Referred Conference Papers
Chen, Z., Zheng, L. N., Lu, C., Yuan, J., Zhu, D. (2023), ChatGPT Informed Graph Neural Network for Stock Movement Prediction. Workshop on Robust NLP for Finance (RobustFin), Long Beach, California, USA.
Chen, Z., Zheng, L. N., Mai, F. (2023). Making Sense of Bot Moderation in Online Communities with Large Language Models. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Yan, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2022). The Effect of Learning Bots on User Participation in Open Collaboration Communities. ACM Collective Intelligence.
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Yan, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2022). The Effect of Learning Machines on Online Community Governance. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Yan, B., & Nickerson, J. V. (2021). The Effect of Learning Machines on Online Community Governance. Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS).
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Gordan, D. M., & Nickerson, J. V. (2019). Bursty Coordination in Online Communities. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
Zheng, L. N., Nickerson J. V., & Albano, C. M. (2019). Knowledge Production by Collectives Composed of Humans and Machines. ACM Collective Intelligence.
Zheng, L. N., Albano, C. M., & Nickerson J. V. (2019). Steps toward Understanding the Design and Evaluation Spaces of Bot and Human Knowledge Production Systems. The Wiki Workshop.
Zheng, L. N., Mai, F., Gordan, D. M., & Nickerson, J. V. (2018). Bursty Coordination in Online Communities: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach. Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS).
Zheng, L. N., & Nickerson, J. V. (2018). Understanding the Algorithmic Nature of Human Behavior by Analyzing Interactions in Wikipedia. Workshop on The Changing Contours of “Participation” in Data-driven, Algorithmic Ecosystems: Challenges, Tactics, and an Agenda at CSCW.
Nickerson, J. V., Zheng, L. N., Bouwense, C., Mai, F., & Gordan, D. M. (2018). Implicit Coordination in Peer Production Networks. ACM Collective Intelligence.
Research in Progress
“Detecting Social Bots on Twitter using Graph Convolution Neural Networks”
“Introduce Centralized Control into Decentralized Platform Governance: The effects of Bots on Information Poverty and Editor Concentration in Wikipedia”
Honors and Awards
Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2023, Stevens Institute of Technology
ICIS Doctoral Consortium, 2021, Doctoral Fellow
CSST Doctoral Consortium, 2021, Doctoral Fellow
CSCW Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2019
Kaggle Data Science Bowl: Lung Cancer Detection, 2017, Bronze Medal (Top10%)
ⓒ Lei Nico Zheng